Support Us!You can contribute to the theater in many, many ways!
Select the one below that is right for you!
Make a Donation
Your donations help cover the day to day operating expenses of the theater. Basic monthly operating costs of the theater - electricity, gas, phone & Internet, mortgage, photocopier, advertising & promo etc. - are over $10,000 a month. <<Read More>> |
Buy or renew your membership
The Holly Theater is a membership driven organization. A membership is more than just a contribution. It is a voice in the management of the Theater. <<Read More>> |
Contribute to the Endowment Fund
The endowment fund a is distinct entity that is focused on the long term financial stability of the Theater. A portion of interest from the fund is distributed to the Holly annually, but the principle remains intact in perpetuity. <<Read More>> |
Playbill Advertising
Holly Main Stage productions reach up to 2,500 pairs of eyeballs! An ad in the playbill includes your logo on the big screen during our pre-show program. Ads start at $100 - that's just $11 a performance! <<Read More>> |
Sponsor a Show - Get your name in lights!
Holly sponsors have the rare and unique opportunity to see their company's names in lights! In addition, your logo gets prominent placement in our playbill, on the show poster, and in the Holly pre-show" slideshow. <<Read More>> |
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